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defender 2
Free Download Game Android Defender 2 Format APK
Download game defender 2 free including in-game using android platform. For that game defender 2 APK extension. After some time ago to share about android game death worm and wings and pirate fans turned out quite a lot, for it was on this occasion I try to share more android games are quite popular as well. Defender 2 games similar to plants vs zombies game, we were assigned to guard the castle from the enemy attacks. With a primary weapon arrows, archery and used to finish off the monsters want to destroy the monsters who try royal stronghold. Since we are on duty as a guard bastion that this game called defender.

Download game android defender 2 it sounds simple. However, if you've seen the play itself and definitely interested. Judging from the looks alone game defender 2 has a classy graphics, great sound track when heard, and the way the game is very interesting, unique characters and grim will color the course of the game. The size is not too large, so that the game can be played with 2 defenders without waiting for loading long. Even my android phone is its OS version only Andoroid ice cream sandwiches have been able to play it smoothly without any interference whatsoever.

defender 2
gratis Download Game Android Defender 2 Format APK
Download gratis game defender 2 | To begin, we'll be asked to type in the name first before playing. There will be two modes of play, ie local and battle. But the battle mode must be connected to the Internet. Therefore, if you want to play a regular select local mode only. Without any actual tutorial we already know how to memainkkanya. Simply by targeting monsters monsters that came in turns. Small blue-bodied monster will start attacking the castle, and then turn red monster big man whose way is very fast compared to other monsters. Each level gained, the monsters will be coming more and more and his character continues to grow. If you only use the default weapon from scratch, would not be able to destroy them all. To that end, all equipment must be upgraded continuously.

defender 2
Free Download Game Android Defender 2 Format APK
Free Download game defender 2 | In general, equipment that can be upgraded is the strength and agility, where research, city wall, and the phantom. Upgrading strength can increase the power of the weapons used were destroyed. Upgrading agility can increase the tempo or speed of rapid fire shots. Upgrade where research can unlock special weapons and add strength, in whom the fire ball (like a fire bomb that can destroy multiple enemies at once in one shot), glacial spike (can freeze some enemies and reducing their lives), and the lighting strike (lightning strikes to give effect to stun and kill the enemy). City wall is a device that provides additional defense to the fort, this would be very helpful sat facing the monster. And the last phantom, various types of weapons that can be upgraded into a major weapon here, each type of weapon has its own advantages, my advice is the best weapon upgrades alone.

Download game defender 2 | In order to continue playing until the end, upgrading gradually and evenly on some equipment. Do not upgrade the equipment that's it for example only stregth upgraded its course, this will certainly be worth it as I've ever experienced. So, to understand his character, recently upgraded some equipment gradually and evenly. Well that's just a little review about the game defender 2. And please directly download the game via the link below. Thank you.

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