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Hot Wheels Extreme RacingDownload Game PSX Hot Wheels Extreme Racing | Game This once I promised to post them. At that time I post Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge and if we meet the hot wheels extreme racing would be my share as well. Kinda hard too find, after a while I tried to hold mengidamkannya and finally managed to get it too. I purposely look for hot wheels extreme racing, remembering how much fun time playing in playstation one first. At that time there was some kind of hot wheels games, but that makes at home is extreme racing. Keseruannya'll see for yourself. Hot Wheels car can change shape as it passes through the circle, a racing car, a car off the road, into the boat, and a plane.

Download Game PSX Hot Wheels Extreme Racing | There are several modes that can be served during the race: adventure mode, arcade, multiplayer, and others. If adventure and arcade mode will compete with three cars enemies. If you can play multiplayer games with your friends. In the arena of race, cars smashing each other in order to quickly reach the finish line. A variety of ammunition and weapons that can make the opponent cars destroyed had been prepared there. Try to be able to pick up and immediately use it. There is a long-range missile that can shoot enemies from a distance. There are missiles that can lock on a target that is not likely to be avoided. There is also a bullet that could make a shock and cause damage to the opponent's car. Guns to protect themselves, which in contact with the opponent then he will destroy itself, and many more that I can not mention here. But do not hit the skull or drum that can give fatal damage to the car.

Hot Wheels Extreme Racing
Hot Wheels Extreme Racing

Download Game PSX Hot Wheels Extreme Racing | This game had my own trials and actually work. In fact we can play it two ways that we can choose. First by direct application of existing click. Secondly, by using our own PS 1 emulator. If I prefer to use the emulator itself because it can use both the joystick and play with friends. The details how to play them, follow these steps:

  • First download the file hire
  • After a successful download, you will get a winrar file named = []
  • Extract the file, and you will get some files. Here, you can play it two ways:
  1. The first way, click on the folder "PSXFin - PSX" in the file that you extracted earlier and click "psxfin" and can direct the game. See the following picture:
    klik untuk perbesar
  2. Or the second way, using PS1 emulator itself. And the file is opened using the emulator file format. BIN, see the following picture:
    klik untuk perbesar

Download Game PSX Hot Wheels Extreme Racing | Then if using a joystick, which controls need to be in the game play is:

- X button to step on the gas.

- Button box for brake and backwards.

- R1 button to shoot.

- R2 buttons to maneuver.

- L2 button to mirror (looking back).

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Download Game PSX Hot Wheels Extreme Racing

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